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Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs mails intercepted by Russian hackers Asylum rwxr-xr-x 0 5:36 PM

Filename Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs mails intercepted by Russian hackers
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Asylum
Date and Time 5:36 PM
According to the Italian government, Russian hackers have broken into their network and intercepted the emails of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a leading newspaper, The Edition reported. However, there is no encryption system available to Russia by which they can encrypt all correspondence. 

But it is not clear how the Italian government determined the nationality of the hackers. Apparently, "Russian Hackers" were trending throughout the day today. 

"The attacks began last spring and lasted four months. Contacts in the Italian Prosecution Service, pleading the cause, said, that there is confidence that hackers failed to reveal the encoding — the edition noted. — The Italian Prosecution Service confirmed that Russia involved in cyber attacks".

There are no reports of any specific individual involved. The report came from the "anonymous sources", 

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