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Website of Military of Venezuela hacked Asylum rwxr-xr-x 0 4:42 PM

Filename Website of Military of Venezuela hacked
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Asylum
Date and Time 4:42 PM
The Official website of Military of Venezuela has been hacked and published on the website Pastebin.com by a user named Kapustkiy on 8 January 2017.

The hacker targeted the official website  (http://ift.tt/2j7t1bQ) and the Twitter account linked to this website (@GNBesguarnaccli).

According to the post on pastebin.com, the hack was carried out to protest against the President.  Kapustkiy wrote on his blog, "In protest against Nicolas Maduro .''  In his post he further wrote, "WE ARE NEW WORLD HACKERS.  EXPECT US: GREETINGS TO: ownz - cyric - shadow - prophet - sadfurry - gustavo" and also posted the link to their website (http://ift.tt/2i8hytX).

The hacked database includes the personal information like full name, telephone number, email id, their ethnicity, military unit. The compromised file contains the 2189 entries.

Recently Venezuela is facing a crisis as its murders and lynching is increasing at an alarming rate.

Approximately one person is being lynched every three days as frustrated residents have taken justice into their own hands and they usually take revenge on suspected criminals.

A crime monitoring group reported that mob killings have become a generalized phenomenon across the country, with 126 deaths reported in 2016 versus 20 last year.

"Due to being repeated victims of crime for more than a decade, and the feeling of not being protected, many people have decided to take justice into their own hands," The Venezuelan Observatory of Violence (OVV), which monitors crime said in its latest annual report.

OVV in its report said that last year, lynchings of suspected murderers and rapists were relatively uncommon, but this year angry crowds have increasingly attacked petty criminals too, with police often turning a blind eye.

Venezuelans have long suffered alarming levels of violent crime, in part because of the widespread availability of guns, inadequate policing and a bribe-riddled justice system.

A crushing economic crisis has added fuel to the fire in crime.

via E Hacking News - Latest Hacker News and IT Security News Website of Military of Venezuela hacked http://ift.tt/2iSNXnq


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