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Trump's appoints a cybersecurity adviser whose own website is a mess Asylum rwxr-xr-x 0 4:42 PM

Filename Trump's appoints a cybersecurity adviser whose own website is a mess
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Asylum
Date and Time 4:42 PM

President-elect Donald Trump has nominated former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani as an informal adviser on cybersecurity.

According to the Presidential transition office,  Trump's transition team will include Giuliani as a cyber security adviser.

"This is a rapidly evolving field both as to intrusions and solutions and it is critically important to get timely information from all sources," the transition team said in a statement.

"Mr. Giuliani was asked to initiate this process because of his long and very successful government career in law enforcement and his now sixteen years of work providing security solutions in the private sector," the statement continued.

Giuliani is the CEO of his own cybersecurity consulting firm Giuliani Partners, will assist in finding solutions to cyber security issues and will help the government to tackle the different cybersecurity issues.

As he was selected as an adviser of the cyber security, people started visiting his website "http://ift.tt/2f0Wpxg" and found that the site has no cyber security itself and is very vulnerable to attacks.

The website runs on an old version of Joomla, which is aa free, open-source content management system (CMS). It also uses an outdated version of the script language PHP, uses an expired SSL certificate, runs over a 10-year-old version of FreeBSD OS server and even fails to follow other basic security practices.

A security researcher at Errata Security, Robert Graham said that Giuliani did not build the site himself; instead he "contracted with some generic web designer to put up a simple page with just some basic content."

"There's nothing on Giuliani's server worth hacking. The drama over his security, while an amazing joke, is actually meaningless," Graham said in a blog post. "All this tells us is that Verio/NTT.net is a crappy hosting provider, not that Giuliani has done anything wrong."

via E Hacking News - Latest Hacker News and IT Security News Trump's appoints a cybersecurity adviser whose own website is a mess http://ift.tt/2jUFmUv


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