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Trump Questions US Intelligence Agencies Over Russia Hacking Review Asylum rwxr-xr-x 0 6:41 PM

Filename Trump Questions US Intelligence Agencies Over Russia Hacking Review
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Asylum
Date and Time 6:41 PM
President-elect Donald Trump has supported Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and doubted on the claims of US intelligence agencies that Russia was involved in cyber attack during the presidential campaign.

He took to twitter to show his anguish: "The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!"

Trump has repeatedly refused to accept the investigation done by the several agencies like  FBI and CIA believe that it was Russia who directed hacks against the Democratic Party and the campaign of its presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Before this, he tweeted in support of the Julian Assange: "Julian Assange said "a 14-year-old could have hacked Podesta" - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!"

At his New Year's Eve Party, Trump said that it is very “unfair” for the Obama administration to allege Russia’s involvement in the cyber attacks “if they don’t know” for certain that the Kremlin was involved.

“I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else,” Trump said.

“I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation,” he added.

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