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Mauritania hired Indian for spying Asylum rwxr-xr-x 0 6:47 PM

Filename Mauritania hired Indian for spying
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Asylum
Date and Time 6:47 PM
After Edward Snowden scooping incidence of National Security Agency (NSA), every country went frisk on spying. An Indian coder, Manish Kumar promised the  President of Mauritian to help them build a mini-NSA like an electronic spying apparatus.

Kumar, who owns a spying company Wolf Intelligence,  met Ahmed Bah dit Hmeida, an official with the innocuous-sounding title of counsellor to the president, made a deal to develop a sophisticated technology  . The total contract was worth $2.5 million, and they transferred half a million dollars as a down payment.

Mauritius is perhaps among  one of the few countries in the world where slavery still exists, and known for spying against journalists, activists, and political opponents. Since 1960, it has seen 10 coups.

Mauritian expected Wolf to develop a software that  would allow them  to attack and spy on  multiple targets  at a time over a large network. The network mainly  include  a nationwide mobile phone provider. The  promotional literature of Wolf  promised  to build a silent SMS attack technique that allows full control of someone’s smartphone without requiring the target to click on a link or otherwise interact. Mauritanian targets  individuals accused of terrorism, but occasionally they’re journalists or protesters, too.

For this, Wolf needed a special  team of coders who are  capable of circumventing security measures on both Android and Apple smartphones. Kumar knew that hackers in Israel had developed it. However, it cost $1 million. That was only possible when  Mauritania  deliver its next payment.

Bah had warned kumar that if  Wolf’s system wasn’t fully functional by the end of the visit, neither Kumar nor the technician he’d brought with him would be leaving the country. Uncertain of his intentions,  kumar joked he would need a vegetarian meal.

“One small mistake and everything’s gone—money, life, everything”

Kumar tried his best  to explain that he didn’t have the silent SMS exploit yet, but Bah didn’t believe him. After this Bah  prevented  Kumar and his colleague  Kapoor from leaving Mauritania. But Kumar managed to flew to Europe.

According to Kumar, Mauritanians agreed to pay the remaining balance of $2 million if he would send someone to the country until the software was operational.

An Israeli acquaintance helped  Kumar by putting him in touch with Tel Aviv-based exploit broker named David “Dudi” Sternberg, who said he could provide what Kumar needed.

 According to Kumar, Bah said the software Wolf had so far installed wasn’t functioning.

After lot of hassle, finally President transferred the remaining amount.

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