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Database hacked at Biggby Coffee, personal information of customers at risk Asylum rwxr-xr-x 0 7:58 AM

Filename Database hacked at Biggby Coffee, personal information of customers at risk
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Asylum
Date and Time 7:58 AM

Security breach at Biggby Coffee has potentially exposed personal information of some of its customers and job applicants.

Biggby Coffee, a leading coffee franchise business based out of Michigan stores information like customer or applicant’s name, date of birth, email address, address, telephone number, Social Security number, driver's license record, employment history.

However the company maintains that no sensitive data like financial information has been leaked, only details like name, contact details and employment history might have been subjected to the breach.

A spokeswoman for the company added that less than 20 % of Biggby's customer data was affected and only information submitted via the website had been compromised. Also, the information accessed had nothing to do with the cash registers or point of sale systems in the stores,

The attack on the company's systems was discovered on the last week of March, when its web developer and hosting company Traction revealed that a criminal has forced its way into the system and accessed the consumer database.

The data breach has been reported to the police and FBI.

via E Hacking News - Hacker News and Latest IT Security News Database hacked at Biggby Coffee, personal information of customers at risk http://www.ehackingnews.com/2015/04/database-hacked-at-biggby-coffee.html


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