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Cyber Defence Course Level 1 in Anna University, Chennai Asylum rwxr-xr-x 0 4:57 AM

Filename Cyber Defence Course Level 1 in Anna University, Chennai
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Asylum
Date and Time 4:57 AM

Most of us from beginners to advanced users use mobile phone/laptops/desktops. We don’t know to secure our machines/phones from hackers, viruses, spies who want to get our information. Here is a short course on securing your computer. mobile phones and laptops from most advanced cyber espionage guys.

Who should learn this:

a. Corporate users – Marketing, sales, CEO, CFO’s who are targeted by corporate espionage

b. Women & Children who want to secure their phones, emails, social media.

c. Lawyers , Doctors who may be targeted to get information on their clientele.

d. Common Man – Anyone who uses computers from young to old for securing their own machines/laptops to protect their loved ones.

e. College Students



  • Security in general.

  • Online security and safe browsing practices.

  • Using live CD for banking.

  • Social Media privacy settings (FB, Twitter, Gmail , 2 factor auth)

  • What can malware do ?

  • Firewall.

  • Check for malware without AV (find undetectable virus).

  • Removing malware manually.

  • Checking USB for malware also disabling autorun.inf type virus.

  • Anti Keylogger.

  • Sandbox.

  • Recover Files.

  • Secure Wipe Files.

  • Encrypt files.

  • Encrypted Email

  • Encrypted Chat


Secure Chat, Phone, Messaging on windows, android & others.


Cyber Security & Privacy Foundation will give certificate.

Register here


Anna University, Chennai

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