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Round Rock Independent School District website hacked using default password Asylum rwxr-xr-x 0 7:43 PM

Filename Round Rock Independent School District website hacked using default password
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Asylum
Date and Time 7:43 PM

Round Rock Independent School District has shut down its website after hackers break into the website(roundrockisd.org) and managed to post vulgar pictures and vulgar language.

We just did a quick research(search) on this incident and get a link to Hackforums post. In which, attacker posted that the school site is using a default and very weak login credentials for the admin panel(username is 'admin' and password 'admin1).

Here is the screenshot taken from Hackforums. At the time of writing, the hacker removed the post from the site.

Round Rock Police detectives are investigating the incident. The district says it will press charges on the hacker who did this defacement, regardless of age.

District spokeswoman JoyLynn Occhiuzzi no student personal information was compromised in this security breach.

Currently, the message on the main site says "All Round Rock ISD websites are currently unavailable. We apologize for this inconvenience."

via E Hacking News [ EHN ] - Latest IT Security News | Hacker News Round Rock Independent School District website hacked using default password http://www.ehackingnews.com/2013/12/rrisd-hacked-usin-default-password.html


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