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New variant of Mouabad malware can make phone calls from Your Android Mobile Asylum rwxr-xr-x 0 5:09 AM

Filename New variant of Mouabad malware can make phone calls from Your Android Mobile
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Asylum
Date and Time 5:09 AM
We already aware that there are android malware which are capable of making money for cyber criminals by sending SMS to premium rated numbers.

A New variant of Android mobile malware 'Mouabad' spotted by Lookout allows cyber criminals to make phone calls from infected devices without user intervention.

The malware is cleverly designed to avoid detection, it attempts to make phone calls only when the device is locked. When the victim unlocks the devices, it ends the call.

However, it can be easily detected by looking at the call histories, as the malware is not designed to delete the call logs.

Fortunately, the malware only works on android older than version 3.1. So, those who have the latest android version need not to worry.

via E Hacking News [ EHN ] - Latest IT Security News | Hacker News New variant of Mouabad malware can make phone calls from Your Android Mobile http://www.ehackingnews.com/2013/12/new-variant-of-mouabad-malware-can-make.html


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