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Anonymous Venezuela hacks Venezuelan Military and other government websites Asylum rwxr-xr-x 0 9:57 AM

Filename Anonymous Venezuela hacks Venezuelan Military and other government websites
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Asylum
Date and Time 9:57 AM

The Anonymous Venezula has hacked into a number of Venezuelan government websites that includes Military website.

The list of affected websites includes hidropaez.gob.ve, Military Technical Academy(atmb.mil.ve), Military Counterintelligence Directorate(dgim.mil.ve), Aragua Police website(policiadearagua.gob.ve), Municipal Police of Vargas(policiamunicipalvargas.gob.ve).

The group also hacked one educational website "University of Falcon(udefa.edu.ve) .

"Good day Venezuela. What seemed to them the night and early morning we offered? In the next few days are a lot more action ;)" The tweets posted by the group reads.

"We are not criminals, we are just citizens voicing their dissatisfaction with this crap called "government". Politicians Tremble!"

At the time of writing, most of the websites are still showing the defacement page.

via E Hacking News [ EHN ] - Latest IT Security News | Hacker News Anonymous Venezuela hacks Venezuelan Military and other government websites http://www.ehackingnews.com/2013/10/anonymous-venezuela-hacks-venezuelan.html


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